I will absolutely fix you on ME! 2

You love my arrogance and that I make you feel better than you disgusting worm! It is a matter of course for me to take EVERYTHING I want from me and now its your turn to give me EVERYTHING I am entitled to! Therefore, I will cast a spell over you with all the charms and feminine qualities that you so desire. I completely fixate you on ME, as I am the embodiment of what you desire in women! You will not get rid of me, have the greedy desire to be MY toy that I can use and exploit as I please! My words will burn into your thoughts and the sound of my voice will never get out of your head. You are my marionette that I let dance for me as the mood takes me! …thats good, thats right! (like all my clips, this one is best viewed with headphones)

I will absolutely fix you on ME! 2

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Lady Cary store at Yoogirls