ITALIAN SPEAKINGI always think there?s a sexual connotation connected to certain types of pain. Whipping is one of these, it?s a great aphrodisiac. I have my bitch balanced on the angle bench, and it?s a painful prop. As it digs into his ass and balls as he tries to balance on it. I also have his arms and ankles tightly bound, there?s no escape for him. I?m going to enjoy giving him a good whipping, and have chosen my leather tawse whip, and my short stiff one that has a painful sting to it. I begin with my tawse, and get right into it and my bitch begins to squeal for mercy as he wriggles and squirms in pain. I enjoy seeing his skin begin to change colour and the welts appear. Then it?s time to change whips, the shorter one brings more screams for mercy. Not today? I?m having too much fun making my bitch suffer from my relentless Seductive Lashing?