Human carpet for muddy hiking boots

Lady Nora and I are going to use this pathetic weakling as a doormat to clean our muddy hiking boots on now. We even ordered him to wear a white t-shirt, so we can see the imprints our boots leave behind even better! Quickly, the whole front of his shirt is brown, but were not only trampling his upper body – we also crush his cock and balls under the deep treaded soles of our boots, stand on his legs and even trample his face under our boot soles. To humiliate him even more, we spit into his face a few times as well – and we wont stop until our boots are completely clean again! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to!

Human carpet for muddy hiking boots

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Clean my muddy hiking boots with your tongue!

You really thought Id get into the car with my muddy hiking boots?! Of course not! They need to be cleaned before – and thats what you are there for! Youll lick all the dirt from the boot soles – and trust me, with the deep tread, theres A LOT of mud and dirt and who knows what else stuck in these boot soles. Youll get the tip of your tongue into each of the grooves and clean out the mess – and of course youll swallow all of the filth! And dont worry, if it gets too dry, I might add a little spit! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you contact me at!

Clean my muddy hiking boots with your tongue!

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The taste of a hiking day

Today my slaves going to learn the taste of a full day of hiking 😀 I put some toast in my warm socks in the morning and then put on my hiking boots. The hike was quite hard with some steep ascends – which made my feet sweat quite a lot – and the taste of the bread will be quite intense as well 😀 My slave arrives too late this evening and Im not amused that he kept me waiting. After the loser took off my hiking boots he has to smell them of course and get a first impression of whats to come! Then I take off my sweaty socks and the bread is so soaked in my sweat it even sticks to the socks – disgusting! I spit on the bread a few times – then make the slave eat every single bit. In the end I make my sweaty hiking socks into a mouth gag for him – that hell have to wear for the rest of the day! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you contact me at!

The taste of a hiking day

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Hiking boots licked clean at the car

I went for a nice long walk in the woods and as I return to my car, my hiking boots are really dirty. I open the trunk, release the slave from it and sit down at the edge of the trunk – and the slave immediately has to get on his knees in the dirt in front of me. I order him to lick the filthy soles of my boots and get all the dirt out of the deep tread with his tongue. His tongue immediately turns black – but he doesnt seem very motivated … maybe I can change that! I order him to lie down on the ground and then grind the hard boot soles over his face – hurting him quite a lot! Then he has to get up again and continue licking my boot soles clean. After he finally cleaned my boot soles, I get another mean idea – I take his jacked and scarf away from him, put them into my car and then tell him that he will walk to my house like this – without a jacket this is going to be a long, cold and miserable walk, but thats what you get for being such a pathetic boot licker – and once he arrives, hell continue cleaning the boots until theyre completely spotlessly clean!

Hiking boots licked clean at the car

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Feel my hiking boots on your face!

So, youve been waiting patiently for me in the car while I was hiking for a couple of hours? Well, Ill give you a hiking experience now … just a different one … one more suitable for a slave 😀 Come on, lay down in the dirt next to the car – Im going to trample all over you now! Do you see the deep tread on the hard rubber boot soles? I know the edges are really sharp … but they leave behind such nice marks on human skin! Can you handle it if I stand on your face with my full weight?! Not that I really care … youll just have to endure it somehow anyway 😀 Maybe Ill even stomp or jump on your face?! Lets see how playful I feel today 😀

Feel my hiking boots on your face!

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Destroying every single finger under my hiking boots

Its been a while since the loser got to feel the hard tread of my hiking boots … and today hes going to feel it very intensively! I order him to just place a single finger on the edge of the box, so I can stand on only one of his fingers with my whole weight and my hiking boots can leave behind brutal deep imprints on his skin. One after another, each of his fingers is crushed under my boots, get to feel my whole weight and the loser has to endure the inhumane pain. After a while Im getting annoyed with his screams of pain – so I take off my boots, stuff my hiking socks into his mouth to silence him and then put my boots back on – and then its time to take care of his remaining fingers!

Destroying every single finger under my hiking boots

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Weak loser brutally trampled with hiking boots

This loser told me he started working out more – to be a better carpet for me … and now Ill put it to the test! I really appreciate a slave giving his best for me – but of course, Ive to put it to a test! Im wearing my hiking boots – so this is going to be a tough challenge for this weakling! The brutal tread of the boots leaves behind beautiful marks on his skin, but the slave seems to endure it pretty well – so I can go a little harder! I trample and stomp all over his body, grind his skin under my boot soles and even walk over his head a couple of times … and this loser is completely exhausted afterwards … I think hell need a lot more workouts to be a really good carpet for me!

Weak loser brutally trampled with hiking boots

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Trampling the slaves useless cock and balls

IÂ’m leaning on the sideboard and rest my foot on the slaveÂ’s dick – showing him the brutal studs of my inov8 trail running shoes, before I stand up and put my full weight onto his useless cock. The studs of my shoes sink in deep and IÂ’m sure theyÂ’ll leave painful marks! And these shoes were only the warmup! After a while of trampling his crotch, I change into my hiking boots – they donÂ’t have studs, but a deep hard tread, thatÂ’s just as good to destroy a slaveÂ’s cock underneath! But heÂ’s only going to suffer under these shortly – until I reveal the special surprise, I brought for him: some light crampons with sharp metal spikes that I put on my hiking boots! I once again step on his body and my full weight drives the spikes into his manhood – or into whatÂ’s left of his manhood! I just love how this loser whines and screams in pain as his cock and balls are mangled under my boots! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to!

Trampling the slaves useless cock and balls

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Brutal double trampling with hiking boots

Today the slave will really suffer under Lady Nora and me – were both wearing hiking boots and well use the rough deep-treaded soles to trample this loser. The brutal boots immediately leave marks all over his chest – and were not only trampling him under our combined weight – but theres worse to come for the slave! We also trample his cock and balls, walk over his head, stand on his throat and also crush his hands under our boot soles. To humiliate the human carpet even more, we spit into his face a couple of times and also jump onto his weak body a couple of times! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to!

Brutal double trampling with hiking boots

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Disgusting slave meal tests slaves limits

Ill now prepare a slave meal to bring the slave to his limit. I brought 2 big bread rolls and grab the first one. Its flattened under my gorgeous ass quickly and then I put it into my socks and hiking boots – over the day it will be flattened even more under my foot soles and it will be completely soaked in my foot sweat when I return. When I return, the slave has to get on his knees and watch me crush a second bread roll under the dirty soles of my hiking boots. I add some spit to it as I crush it under my boot soles, then take off my hiking boots to get the bread out of it – its crushed and sweat-soaked – but it will be even more refined. I put on my dirty trail running shoes and use them to trample this second bread roll – and I add some spit to it as well to get the dirt off my shoes soles even better! Then the loser has to start eating both of them in front of my eyes. His body is literally shaking in disgust and humiliation, but he does his best to consume the slave meal I prepared for him! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to!

Disgusting slave meal tests slaves limits

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